Thursday, March 1, 2007

Net Neutrality

I recently learned about the concept of net neutrality. It is scary to think that large corporations could take control of the Internet and reduce the public's access. Instead of having an even playing field, some companies want to ensure that they have their content arrives more quickly and is easiest to access. I recently read an article that discussed how this affects the average person. Her are some ways:
1. A company could slow down access to iTunes and steer you to towards buying higher priced music that they offer.
2. If charity groups couldn't pay the same as large corporations their websites could be so slow that people would stop donating.
3. Bloggers- It could become so expensive to post a blog or video that the average person could no longer afford it.
4. Online purchases- companies that pay the most money would be able to process orders faster than those who pay less. This could unfairly influence the mind of the consumer.
To see more about net neutrality, check out this website:

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