Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Good website for kids

I decided to include a link to this website called FunBrain that I used a few times during my internship. It is a great site for early elementary students. It involves math and reading games that are very interactive and engaging for the students. There are also funny books and stories for the kids to practice reading. My grade ones had computer class and sometimes in the last five minutes my cooperating teacher would give the students free time. They often chose this website so I know that it is very popular with young kids.

I also like this site because there is not a lot of advertising on it. I found that my students were often clicking on ads by accident because they could not read the ads to know that they weren't games. This would take the students to sites that they didn't want to be on. Usually they were sites asking for money. This website did not seem to lead to this problem.

If you would like to check out this website, go to the link:

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