Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Sexism and the Dixie Chicks

I recently watched this video that was created by another education student in my foundations class. In this video she examines the sexism that the Dixie Chicks encountered after making a comment about their disapproval of the president. It is interesting to consider whether or not these women would have had to deal with such an extreme backlash if they had been male. As a society, do we still expect silence from women? Is a man allowed to freely express his opinion while a woman is marginalized for expressing hers? The Dixie Chicks were banned from many stations and had to deal with death threats. Would this have happened to a male?

The creator of this video said that she had received several comments about her video. While many people appreciated it, others were angered by what she presented. Some people expressed that they thought she was making an issue out of nothing. After watching the video, I believe that part of what happened to the Dixie Chicks was the result of sexism. I don't feel that a man would be punished in the same way, for an opinionated woman is still seen as less acceptable than an opinionated man.

Please watch this video and let me know what you think about the issue.

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