Thursday, February 8, 2007

Online dangers

Last day in class we had a presentation on media awareness. This really hit home with me. Technology has much to offer us and we have seen so many ways that it can be valuable in the classroom and yet it has the potential to be very harmful at the same time. At very young ages kids can access these things. They can see images and read messages that are inappropriate and sometimes dangerous.

Bullying on the Internet is also a real concern. As pointed out, a child cannot move away to escape cyber bullying. Websites do not disappear and they can be viewed all over the world.
This form of bullying will follow them wherever they go. This makes cyber bullying a very real concern for students, teachers and parents.

As teachers, I think we need to be aware of what is out there so that we can inform out students about the dangers. We cannot simply ignore the fact that there is inappropriate content on the Internet, because our students will find it. Closing our eyes to the problem will not help anyone. If we are informed we can teach our students to be critical of what they see online and how to take precautions to protect themselves. People who are informed will be equipped to make decisions about what to do and think when they encounter inappropriate material.

Therefore, although the Internet can be dangerous, we as teachers can help our students to avoid the dangers and use the Internet in positive ways. There is too much value in technology to abandon it due to danger. Education is the best way to ensure that the Internet benefits our students and doesn't cause them harm.

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